Going to war over data | Data leaks

Is your data worth going to war over – data leaks need to be plugged Information has become so valuable in the 21st-century that it’s worth a lot more than oil. In reality, it’s probably as valuable as the water we drink and the air we breathe and could even be worth going to war … Continue reading  Going to war over data | Data leaks

Mitigating Data Leaks | Part 2

How to Reduce and Mitigate Data Leaks In the first article about data leakages, we took a deep dive into the causes and consequences that follow when private information from your business gets into the wrong hands. Preventing unauthorised access to privileged information is essential for every company in the digital age. In this article, … Continue reading Mitigating Data Leaks | Part 2

Understanding Data Leakages | Data Leaks Part 1

Understanding Data Leakages – Part 1 Cybercriminals are responsible for a huge amount of data-related crimes every year – but they aren’t the only ones responsible for the loss of sensitive business information. A data leak, which is often the result of employee carelessness or weak IT security policies, can cause crucial information to flow … Continue reading Understanding Data Leakages | Data Leaks Part 1

2021’s First Quarter Data Leaks Exceed 5-Billion

The first quarter of 2021 seems to be off to a good start – for cybercriminals, that is. According to new reports on Hackmageddon, the first few months of the year have been plagued with cyberattacks and data leaks, with February being the worst month of them all. While January had the most cyberattacks, 23 … Continue reading 2021’s First Quarter Data Leaks Exceed 5-Billion

Data Encryption | Data Security

Data Encryption Matters – How Treasury Plans to Get SA off the Grey List National treasury has announced a raft of changes to SA banking legislation, in order to comply with international requirements and remove the country from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list. In February 2023, FATF placed South Africa on a … Continue reading Data Encryption | Data Security

Understanding data backup and recovery solutions | Cloud backup

How does data backup and recovery keep your crucial information safe? With all the headlines about data leaks, ransomware, and cyber attacks, you have every reason to be concerned about the safety of your business data. Data backup and secure cloud storage are key tools for keeping your business information safe, but if you’re not … Continue reading Understanding data backup and recovery solutions | Cloud backup

FNB App Data Breach | Data Loss

FNB under fire after major data breach on its app Applying for a bond using your bank’s smartphone app is supposed to make life easier, but for some FNB clients the experience turned into a nightmare recently when customer information was accidentally leaked to fellow users from the FNB app. FNB customers started to report … Continue reading FNB App Data Breach | Data Loss

Prevention better than cure | Data Loss  

Data loss – Prevention is Cheaper and Better than the Cure When it comes to potential threats that could cost your business thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of Rands, “don’t worry about it” may not be the best strategy. Yet that’s exactly what some business owners say about data security. As the South African … Continue reading Prevention better than cure | Data Loss  

Reporting a data breach | Cybercrime

Do I need to report a data breach? According to the POPI Act, an organisation that gathers personal information about others is required to report any data leak or breach in security in a timely manner. In other words, once you are aware of the data breach you should waste no time in informing the … Continue reading Reporting a data breach | Cybercrime

Defend your Data | Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity must haves to defend your data If you are a regular reader of our blog, you’ll know that we’ve been  sounding the alarm about the rising tide of cyberattacks targeting SA companies and other institutions. Several large data leaks affecting well-known brands have been dominating the tech headlines since late last year, serving as … Continue reading Defend your Data | Cybersecurity