Public WiFi Data Privacy

Travellers beware: the dangers of public WiFi and data privacy International travel is rebounding as vaccinated tourists board flights and book accommodation with a vengeance. If you’re joining the wave of post-COVID travellers, chances are you’ll find yourself in an airport, bus station, or public area that offers convenient free WiFi – but you’ll want … Continue reading Public WiFi Data Privacy

Back tracking | Smartphones & Privacy

Is your phone ‘back’ tracking you? Billions of people around the world rely on their mobile phones for much more than just communication. In fact, these devices have become inseparable from their owners in every sense – including data privacy. is your smart phone working for you or against you? Backing up your data and … Continue reading Back tracking | Smartphones & Privacy

Mobile Apps – a threat to our digital privacy

Some would say that mobile apps pose a serious threat to our digital privacy. And surely anything that represents a threat should be quickly and effectively eradicated, especially when it comes to our privacy? However, the suggestion of a world without Apps is sure to raise more than a few gasps. These nifty bite-sized pieces … Continue reading Mobile Apps – a threat to our digital privacy

Essential Cloud Storage – Cybersecurity

Why Cloud Storage Is Essential for Your Business Businesses generate and store more data each year, and the recent wave of cyberattacks gripping the country highlights how valuable this information is—not only to businesses but also to cybercriminals. As businesses scramble to avoid becoming the next victim of a data breach, leak, or ransomware attack, … Continue reading Essential Cloud Storage – Cybersecurity

Doing your Backups | Online Backup

How Often Do you Back Up Your Data Online? How often does your company back up essential business data? It turns out that the answer depends on which part of the world you live in.  A recent survey conducted by MyExpressVPN reveals that companies in North America, Europe, and the UK prioritise backup frequency differently. … Continue reading Doing your Backups | Online Backup

Soteria Cloud Total Data Protection – Website Relaunch

Soteria Launches Total Data Protection With all New Website Total data protection is becoming essential at a time when cyber-attacks are increasing exponentially, covering every aspect of data protection, from backups to privacy protocols. With 2 200 cyberattacks reported per day worldwide in 2023 and more than 150 data breach notifications received per month in … Continue reading Soteria Cloud Total Data Protection – Website Relaunch

Healthcare Industry – Cybersecurity Hygiene

Poor Cybersecurity Hygiene Puts Healthcare Industry in Critical Condition Hospitals and medical providers are on high alert after a devastating cyber-attack brought National Laboratory Services to a standstill, potentially endangering patients’ lives and exposing their private data to criminal elements. As the healthcare industry joins a long list of sectors currently targeted by cybercriminals, medical … Continue reading Healthcare Industry – Cybersecurity Hygiene

Free VPN – Cyber Risk

Beware the Cyber Risks of Using a Free VPN VPN (virtual private network) services are extremely common in this age of privacy concerns, offering a quick and easy way for internet users to avoid tracking and geographic profiling when they access online services. Unfortunately, free VPNs come with a host of potential security risks and … Continue reading Free VPN – Cyber Risk

Apple Spotlight Shifts – AI

Apple spotlight shifts from cars to robots Apple pushes robotics as its car business moves off the table Apple may be famous for its $200 billion a year iPhone lineup but the company has recently shifted gears when it comes to R & D, with its sights firmly set on the robotics sector. As tech … Continue reading Apple Spotlight Shifts – AI