Cloud Backup is the way forward. We have heard it all too often and still many people resist – until it is too late that is. Too many people think that data loss is something that happens to everyone else – until it happens to them. If you find yourself fobbing off online back up companies and thinking that you are quite meticulous in backing up your most important information yourself, think again. Just when you least expect it, data loss can strike, and for a variety of reasons (computer malfunction, theft, human error etc).
One question you should be asking yourself is “am I doing enough to protect my private data and information?” – This question begs to be answered honestly and you can only do so once you have considered all the data loss possibilities.
Of course you back your data up to your external hard drive or to your USB, but do you back everything up? And do you remember to backup any changes or additions weekly and even monthly? It’s easy to put things off when you run out of time until ‘tomorrow’, and then simply never get them done. What if something happens and you lose data between your monthly and weekly data backups? How will this affect your company and its profits? These are all important questions to be considered.
It is essential to ensure that you do regular and thorough backups of all the files on your system. You should also make sure that the backed up files are accessible and have actually backed up – sometimes technology can fail us.
Another thing to think about is security. While you are toting your backups around on your flash drive or external hard drive, how safe is the information? Anyone can gain access to the files and even worse; they could be stolen or lost. What if your hard drive or flash drive suddenly malfunctions and it is the only copy that you have of your backup?
Many people have these thoughts in the back of their mind and the thought of purchasing dedicated backup software is off-putting as they think it will be too involved or technical. Well, now it doesn’t have to be. With Cloud Backup from Soteria you can experience complete peace of mind. The backup software will automatically do incremental backups of your data, which means that your changed files and added information will be backed up regularly. What do you have to do? Nothing at all! Simply have your computer logged into your backup service and connected to the internet…and go about your day as usual. What’s more is that the backed up data is encrypted, which means that it will be kept safe and sound from prying eyes and third parties.
What more could you ask for from a backup service? Why do you need Cloud Backup? You need it because it will change the way you store your important data and it will add a level of security to your business that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.
To learn more about Cloud Backup and how you can benefit from it, contact us at Soteria Cloud today.