protecing your data in 2020

Protecting Your Data – Cloud Backup, Cloud Storage, or Cloud Sync?

We all know that we need to protect our data from breaches and hacking attacks, but are we fully aware of the options and what do they even mean? There are so many ‘cloud’ buzzwords attached to data protection, from storage to sync to backup, that you’d be forgiven for not knowing the difference.

Types of Cloud Data Protection

You won’t know which route is right for you until you understand the differences between the various data protection cloud options, and understand what type of user experience you require.

While protection is the shared goal of all three, they can each be summarised by the following:

  • Cloud Backup – saves your data
  • Cloud Storage –  creates a gateway to access information remotely
  • Cloud Sync – is for multiple users, anywhere and as the option implies, syncs any changes across all devices.

We take a look in more detail at the differences between the three main types below:

Cloud Backup

Saving your data to the cloud is known as cloud backup. For many business owners, personal computer and laptop users too, cloud backup is the ideal option as the software can be set up to run the backup automatically, at regular intervals. This means that you don’t have to do a thing once the software is installed and set up.

Cloud backup services that are legitimately reliable will offer data encryption as part of the service. This means that your data will be locked with a password which only you will be able to unlock. When you access your data in the cloud, it should show all versions of the data, including all edits and changes along the way.

If you ever lose your data or something goes wrong with your device, the service provider can give you access to all previous versions of your data. This type of service is typically subscription-based with a monthly or annual fee.  This is one of the safest ways to protect your data.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage and cloud backup are two very different things. Cloud storage is the process of loading copies of files and images to a cloud-based folder/service. Unlike cloud backup, this service doesn’t do incremental updates. The copy that you save is the copy that you will receive if you ever need to retrieve your files from the cloud.

Simply put, cloud storage is much like using an external hard drive or a flash drive. Initially, cloud storage can be time-consuming as the uploads need to be done manually, but once you have the bulk of the files uploaded, it’s as simple as setting a reminder to upload your saved files regularly.

Cloud storage is ideally suited to users who require flexible storage capacity. Unlike an external drive, cloud storage capacity can be increased simply by increasing your subscription.

Cloud Sync

With the ever-increasing trend of remote working and flexible hours, cloud sync is a ‘lifesaver’ for small to medium-sized businesses and project teams. While it doesn’t offer vast amounts of storage space, it does allow users to upload files from anywhere and enables them to work on a variety of different devices.

Users can share information, update documents and information across all devices, and share data in an instant. As long as a user has internet access, the service can be accessed from anywhere. Cloud sync saves time and money, and space, but is not recommended for large volumes of data that need to be kept safe. This is not a data storage and protection service – it is more of a file sharing and collaboration service.

Last Word

One thing we all know is that data storage is essential for keeping data safe and secure. Both cloud storage and cloud backup are good options for protecting data, ensuring that there is a copy available, should the worst happen. Take the plunge today – make 2020 the year that your data security is taken care of first!