Cloud technology, cloud computing systems and even online cloud backups offer the business market a great deal. While many companies have converted to cloud services, it would appear that there are still some who are unwittingly lagging behind!
In 2014 US Deloitte carried out a survey that gathered information from mid-market executives. The aim of the survey was to determine market opinion on whether or not new opportunities are being created by the advances in cloud computing. What was the result? 39% of participants felt that cloud technology had the best potential for growing their business’ productivity gains. Now that’s saying a lot! Why haven’t more of these businesses made the transformation to cloud services yet? Have you? Does your business currently operate in the cloud?
The question begs to be answered; does SA really need cloud technology to compete globally? The answer is a resounding YES! Just a few years ago the country’s local small and medium enterprises didn’t have access to the same tools and systems that cloud technology makes available today. As a result, the country suffered in terms of being able to service a global or foreign market effectively. Of course all that has now changed.
Cloud Technology Levels out the Playing Field
What exactly has cloud technology offered small to medium enterprises that has enabled them to compete with some of the bigger concerns on the global market? The answer is fairly obvious. Large corporate concerns have the funds and resources to set up big call centres and offices with prime locations, to service their global market. SMEs simply couldn’t compete.
Cloud technology now makes it possible for small companies to host online / cloud based office spaces. There’s no hefty property rental attached and personnel can gain access to the system, share information, edit documentation and safely store sensitive information, without having to actually go into the office. In fact, employees of such setups could be spread across the globe with no negative impact to the efficiency and streamlined services of the business “office”. What’s cloud technology done? It’s brought people closer and made business administration and processes simpler.
Nowadays, small to medium sized enterprises are encouraged to compete with the larger concerns. After all, cloud technology has made it possible for small business to acquire similar systems and processes as large corporations, at a fraction of the cost. Now small enterprises can offer global customers a world-class service in the same field of play.
At Soteria Cloud we are part of the race to provide the business market with online cloud services. Our cloud backup services for business and home environments offer a world of convenience to our clients. Is your business currently making use of cloud technology? Do you serve the global market with the help of cloud services? We’d love to know! Leave your thoughts and comments here.